When looking for a Jockey Wheel Replacement we stumbled upon Trailer City . They have been in business for 64 years. The leaks in the roof prove it, but so does the knowledge of their staff. When we walked in, we were like kids in a candy store. Once we finally made it to the back where the parts department was we found exactly what we needed mounted on display. It was the last one. No Problem..TG picked up the display and unbolted it. (they tried but couldn't get it off...that is where my Master of ALL Trades comes in - perhaps I should refer to him as MOAT lol ) They liked TG from that moment on :) . He was told he can come by and hang around any day he wanted. To TG this was awesome...an apprenticeship to learn more about something he liked so much! MOAT ( I had to - just once ;) ) made friends quickly with our sales associate Wilson (Yes, his father had a thing for Soccer). Everytime we left the store, we saw something else and had to go back in..three times! Finally, home with the new wheel and everything fits and works - Yay!
More on our escapades at Trailer City to follow. I knew our journeys there weren't over!Next Up - The Modifications and Decor....Stay Tuned!
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